The Rebel Base – Phase
People with a Rebel base will experience life through Reactions, enjoying life as it is. No matter the reality presented to them, their mind naturally gravitates to reacting with likes and dislikes about persons, events, or experiences.
What are their main assets?
People having a Rebel base are spontaneous, playful and creative. They aren’t afraid of being different. In fact, they may look for the unique and unusual. They have an enthusiasm about them that draws people to them. They have abilities to share their success with anyone who “gets it.” They can help other people by blending their creativity and humor with solid business advice. A combination like that is bound to generate some serious interest!
The fun-loving Rebel energy in them is light-hearted and creative. People with this type of personality can use these excellent traits to their advantage and to the advantage of others. They can show people how to have a good time! Their carefree approach to life is contagious.
How to connect with someone having a Rebel Base?
The most effective interaction style to connect with someone having a Rebel Base is: Laissez-faire.
Apply these few tips to communicate effectively with them:
– Use humor and dramatization. These are excellent ways of dealing with the most sensitive subjects.
– Accept their undeveloped taste for anything that appeals to convenience.
– Encourage the expression and implementation of new ideas.
People having a Rebel base work well in an environment where they can spend a lot of their time Group-to-Group, where they can freely switch from one to another, depending on the situation, satisfying their individual needs with each group. They also work well when they are in groups, especially groups that support them and work as a team, the groups to which they identify, or groups in which they feel a sense of belonging.

People with a Rebel Phase are motivated through the Need for Contact which makes them have frequent interaction with people who are cool and fun. They enjoy stimulating environments: lively interaction with others, attention-getting clothes, toys and gimmicks, loud music, online gaming, bright colors, and people who are fun and exciting to be around.
These persons thrive on stimulation. They dislike routine and simplicity, so they need to be able to move around physically, move in and out of various situations and make contact with others. They work best when you keep them charged up.

Your personality is unique!
Quick reminder of what is Process Communication Model.
Everyone has a dominant Personality Type, the type that is seen most strongly in us, and this remains our Base for life. However, in PCM we also identify a Phase Personality Type that the individual is currently experiencing. Our Phase Type determines our primary source of psychological motivation and reveals our most probable reactions when we are experiencing distress.
PCM differentiates among six Personality Types, which we all have within us: Promoter, Rebel, Harmonizer, Thinker, Imaginer, Perseverant. Each type has its own strengths and preferences, and every person has characteristics of all six in them to a greater or lesser degree. Together they form a person’s condominium.
Our foundation or Base is set either at birth or very early in our life. Once this Base Personality Type is set, it will remain unchanged for our lifetime. Hence, whatever our basic Personality Type is, we will always be strongest in the characteristics and behaviors of that Type. Additionally, we have characteristics of all of the other five Types.
The current Phase of an individual will determine what motivates him or her both personally and professionally. Some people experience what is called a Phase Change in their lives. This Phase shift often explains the major personality change we sometimes notice in others and ourselves. This is not necessarily a growth model. The goal is not to have as many Phases as possible, but rather to learn how to satisfy the Psychological Needs positively of our current Phase in order to have a balanced, happy, successful, distress-free quality life.
Remember: we are not a Personality Type.
A different combination of the six types takes center stage in every one of us. With Process Communication Model, we do not speak about types of people but rather personality types in people.
Each Type has specific motivators characterized by differences in Character Strengths, Psychological Needs, Perceptions and Favored Communication Channels. Recognizing these differences is crucial in connecting, motivating and resolving conflict.
Use PCM to identify and leverage our differences. And make a difference for yourself, and others. Big and small. Every day.

You have a Rebel Base or Phase? Here are two sets of hints you could use to get your needs met, both in a professional and a personal context
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